The Fate of the Rockefeller Scion Eaten by Cannibals and Other Macabre History

The Fate of the Rockefeller Scion Eaten by Cannibals and Other Macabre History

Khalid Elhassan - December 19, 2021

The Fate of the Rockefeller Scion Eaten by Cannibals and Other Macabre History
Karl Denke. Elink

22. The Macabre Karl Denke

In the long annals of macabre people, few were more macabre than Karl Denke (1860 – 1924). Little in his background hinted at what he would become. Denke was born into a wealthy family of farmers in the Kingdom of Prussia near Munsterberg, Silesia – today’s Ziebice, Poland. His early life is shrouded in mystery, but he ran away from home when he was twelve-years-old, and apprenticed himself to a gardener. Over the years, he worked a variety of jobs, and eventually took a stab at agriculture and decided to follow in the family’s tradition, and become a farmer.

After his father died, Denke used his share of the inheritance to buy a plot of land. Farm life and Denke were not a great match, however, and it did not take long before work on the fields reminded him why had why he had run away from home and the family farm as a child. So he sold his land and bounced around various occupations for a few years. He eventually bought a small house in Munsterberg, and became an organ player in his local church.
