The Grim Theories Behind the Dyatlov Pass Incident

The Grim Theories Behind the Dyatlov Pass Incident

Aimee Heidelberg - May 25, 2023

The Grim Theories Behind the Dyatlov Pass Incident
Kolevatov and Thibeaux-Brignolle having a laugh.

The Dyatlov Group from Ural Polytechnic Institute (UPI)

Among the group was Zinaida “Zina” Kolmogorova, a popular fellow student of radio engineering and, along with Dyatlov, a member of the UPI Tourist Society. Joining them was Yuri Doroshenko. Doroshenko, Zina’s ex-boyfriend and a radio engineering student, served on the board of the UPI sports club. Fellow student Aleksandr Kolevatov, a physics and technology student at UPI, was a serious sort, but pictures show him smiling and jovial with the group. Civil engineering student Lyudmila “Lyuda” Dubinina, like Kolevatov, Lyuda tended toward the serious side, but she was tough. On a 1957, a hunter accidentally shot Lyuda in the leg, but like a trooper, she kept going with her group. Yuri Yudin, an economics and geology student, rounded out the UPI group. Yudin was a quiet student of economic s and geology, and despite his chronic health problems.
