The Grim Theories Behind the Dyatlov Pass Incident

The Grim Theories Behind the Dyatlov Pass Incident

Aimee Heidelberg - May 25, 2023

The Grim Theories Behind the Dyatlov Pass Incident
Dyatlov memorial, Mihaylovskoe Cemetery.

Presenting theories does not mean ‘solved.’

Theory and speculation about the Dyatlov case is a creative and scientific puzzle, one that will likely never be solved. Theories about the Dyatlov Pass incident have one thing in common. They assume there are things that haven’t been disclosed about the case. This indicates distrust in the official story and evidence released by the former Soviet Union. The families of the hikers Yuri Yudin, the tenth member of the Dyatlov group, disputes the idea of a natural disaster. Even scientific analysis of the case stirs debate and argument, like the slab and avalanche theories. As Gaume and Puzrin tell Nature, “Mysteries are more attractive while unsolved, or at least not solved with boring scientific explanation.”

Where Did We Find This Stuff? Here Are Our Sources

Borzenkov’s Analysis of Puzrin-Gaume Avalanche Theory. (n.a.) 1079: The Overwhelming Force of Dyatlov Pass, (n.d.)


Dyatlov Pass Incident. David Emery,, 29 January 2021.

Has an old Soviet mystery at last been solved? Douglas Preston, The New Yorker, 10 May 2021.

Have scientists finally unraveled the 60-year mystery surrounding nine Russian hiker’s deaths? Meilan Solly, Smithsonian Magazine, 29 January 2021.

How did nine Russian hikers lose their lives in the Dyatlov Pass incident? (n.a.) (n.d.)

Mechanisms of slab avalanche release and impact in the Dyatlov Pass incident in 1959. Johan Gaume and Alexander Puzrin, Nature, January 2021.

Mysterious balls of light aren’t UFOs, says science. Sarah Gibbens, National Geographic, 27 October 2017.

Mysterious deaths at Dyatlov Pass may finally be solved after 62 years thanks to a computer simulation. David Bressan,, 28 January 2021.

Mystery at Dyatlov Pass. David Bressan,, 1 February 2019.

Russia’s ‘Dyatlov Pass’ conspiracy theory may finally be solved 60 years later. Brandon Specktor, LiveScience, 28 January 2021.

There were nine…Lucy Ash, BBC News, December 2019.
