The Grim Theories Behind the Dyatlov Pass Incident

The Grim Theories Behind the Dyatlov Pass Incident

Aimee Heidelberg - May 25, 2023

The Grim Theories Behind the Dyatlov Pass Incident
Doroshenko, Yudin, Dyatlov, Thibeaux-Brignolle, Dubinina, Zolotaryov, Slobodin. Kolmogorova in front.

The Journey

The group began their journey in Sverdlosk on January 23, 1959, leaving the comforts of their homes for the outdoor adventure. They made the stop at Serov and Ivdel along the way toward the Auspiya River toward their end goal, Mount Otorten. During the trek, the hikers documented their trip in a journal and in photographs, recording the jovial journey of a group who sang, played, skied, argued, and mugged for the camera. Ten days after they left Sverdlosk, they made their way up the slope called Kholat Saykhl Mountain, and decided to make camp at elevation 1079. They dug a shelter to create a level, solid foundation for their tent that would protect them from the poor weather conditions. And that began the most horrific night of their short lives.
