The Hairy History of Bigfoot in 20 Intriguing Events

The Hairy History of Bigfoot in 20 Intriguing Events

Tim Flight - November 9, 2018

The Hairy History of Bigfoot in 20 Intriguing Events
Native American Bow Hunting by Hamilton Irving Marlatt, USA, 1915. Wikimedia Commons

2. There are many accounts of Bigfoot in Native American Legends

Along with the interpretation of the Skrellings as Bigfoot, another important piece of evidence for the prevailing giant-ape hypothesis is Native American folklore. After all, from a scientific perspective, Bigfoot cannot have materialized out of nothing. The wonderful body of folk-tales and legends duly obliges, with tales of giant, smelly, hairy bipeds which live in the forests and forage at night. In some tales, they kidnap women and attack men out hunting, and in others they are benign figures who come to the aid of people in dangerous situations. There are nearly a hundred names for Bigfoot in the stories.

There are several problems with taking these stories as evidence for the existence of Bigfoot. Firstly, folklore evolved orally over centuries to its current form, with tales being altered in response to cultural changes. Thus it is unwise to look for objective proof in these old tales, though fascinating in their own right. Secondly, almost every culture around the world has tales of wild-men and humanoid beasts that lurk in the shadows, so there is nothing especially remarkable about the Native American tales in essence. But our story doesn’t end here…
