The Hardcore Women of World War II Knew How to Take Care of Business

The Hardcore Women of World War II Knew How to Take Care of Business

Khalid Elhassan - October 19, 2020

The Hardcore Women of World War II Knew How to Take Care of Business
Major Marina Raskova, commander of the Night Witches. Alamy

17. The Soviet Women Pilots Left Their Mark, Despite Flying Obsolete Airplanes

Although the airplane flown by the Night Witches, the Polikarpov Po-2, was slow and obsolete, that very obsolescence came with silver linings. For one, it was highly maneuverable. In the hands of a capable pilot, a Po-2 could perform jinks and dips and turns within a small radius, that the faster and more modern German airplanes sent to shoot them down – assuming they could find them in the first place at night – could not match.

The Hardcore Women of World War II Knew How to Take Care of Business
A Night Witch. Flite Test

The Po-2’s slow speed also had its advantages: its maximum speed was less than the stall speed of the Messerschmitt Me Bf 109 and Focke-Wulf FW 190 fighters. So if one of those enemy fighters tried to slow down enough to match the Po-2’s speed, it would stall and crash. Between that, the dark cloak of night, and the aforementioned maneuverability, German fighters found it extremely difficult to shoot down the women of the 588th.
