The Last Photo Taken of Famous Historic Figures

The Last Photo Taken of Famous Historic Figures

Shannon Quinn - February 28, 2023

The Last Photo Taken of Famous Historic Figures
Credit: Rare Historical Photos


The Last Photo of the Titanic While it Was Still Afloat

This photograph captures the last known image of RMS Titanic on the surface of the ocean. It was taken during her maiden voyage at Crosshaven, Ireland, just after the ship departed Queenstown en route to New York. Tragically, just three days after this photo was taken, the Titanic collided with an iceberg and sank to the bottom of the North Atlantic. This resulted in one of the deadliest disasters in history, with 1,514 lives lost. This photo was taken by Irish Jesuit priest, Francis Browne. He had received an offer of a ticket from a wealthy family he befriended on board and was planning to stay. However, his clerical superior ordered him to return to his station immediately. If he had boarded the Titanic, this photo probably would have never existed. When you’re done with this list, check out our other article on the Haunting Last Messages from the Titanic.
