The Last Photo Taken of Famous Historic Figures

The Last Photo Taken of Famous Historic Figures

Shannon Quinn - February 28, 2023

The Last Photo Taken of Famous Historic Figures
Credit: Bored Panda


Jimi Hendrix

Taken on September 17th, 1970, this photo features Jimi Hendrix with his cherished guitar ‘Black Betty’. It was captured by his girlfriend Monika Danneman while they spent time in her backyard. Tragically, Hendrix passed away the following day from barbiturate-related asphyxia in London. He was just 27 years old. Reports indicate that he had choked on his own vomit after consuming a cocktail of drugs, including a significant amount of sleeping pills. Despite speculation in the media, there is no evidence to suggest that Hendrix’s death was a suicide. Jimi Hendrix is one of the musicians who is part of the “27 Club”. This is a group of artists who all coincidentally died at the age of 27.
