The Mongols Dined Atop their Live Enemies and Other Fascinating Historic Facts

The Mongols Dined Atop their Live Enemies and Other Fascinating Historic Facts

Khalid Elhassan - March 2, 2020

The Mongols Dined Atop their Live Enemies and Other Fascinating Historic Facts
An Andrew Jackson duel. Medium

16. A Demon For Dueling

A prickly cuss, Andrew Jackson was too easily offended, and when offended, he would just as soon kill somebody as look at him. When not leading men into combat or slaughtering Redcoats by the hundreds, Jackson could often be found out back dueling with somebody who had said the wrong the thing in his presence.

Literally dueling, as in facing off against somebody with loaded pistols, taking aim, and opening fire at a given signal. Jackson engaged in such deadly showdowns not once, or twice, but many, many, many times. The total number of his duels is unknown, but estimates range from a low of 13, to over 100.
