The Most Epic Myths from Around the World

The Most Epic Myths from Around the World

Larry Holzwarth - April 30, 2021

The Most Epic Myths from Around the World
Scholars consider it highly unlikely that Jesus of Nazareth was born in December. Wikimedia

9. Jesus of Nazareth was born in December

Scholars disagree on the exact date, and even the year, of the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, and nearly all agree it did not occur on December 25th. December became the month of Jesus’ birth following the conversion of Emperor Constantine in the 4th century. The Roman celebration of the winter solstice was supplanted by a celebration of the Nativity by Christians, the first documented event occurring in 336 CE in Rome. The events related in the Biblical story of the birth of Jesus do not support it occurring in early winter, either in the story itself or in other ancient documents. For example, the Biblical narrative refers to the shepherds tending their flocks in the hills, an unlikely occurrence during the winter months. Some scholars turn to the sky to pinpoint the date of Jesus’ birth, with conflicting results.

The Star of Bethlehem has been postulated as being a comet, observed by Chinese astronomers in 5 BCE; a conjunction of Jupiter and Venus in June, 2 BCE; or a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in October, 7 BCE. Some theologians argue Jesus’ birth occurred in the Spring, citing the presence of the shepherds, more likely to indicate the warmer months. Others argue that King Herod, who played a major role in the narrative, died in about 4 BCE, indicating the birth occurred well before that year. The truth is nobody can state with certainty the exact date, or even the year, of the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, including those professing to be Christians. For example, Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas in early January, rather than December 25 as on the Roman Catholic calendar.
