The Nazi Scheme to Bombard New York City With Rockets and Other Unfinished Military Plans

The Nazi Scheme to Bombard New York City With Rockets and Other Unfinished Military Plans

Khalid Elhassan - January 16, 2020

The Nazi Scheme to Bombard New York City With Rockets and Other Unfinished Military Plans
American soldiers fighting their way into a German city in 1945. Wikimedia

34. The Clock Runs Out on the Nazis

Of the three Prufstand XII rocket containers ordered in late 1944, only one was actually delivered. Luckily, by the time this particular Nazi scheme went into high gear, time in general was running out on the entire Nazi project. By late 1944, the Third Reich was crumbling under heavy blows from enemies advancing upon from east and west.

That was particularly fortunate for the Big Apple, considering just how badly Hitler and his goons wanted to reach out and touch it. Visiting devastation upon NYC would have been both a psychological blow and a propaganda coup, as a highly visible demonstration of Germany’s ability to bring the war to US soil.
