The Old World’s Medieval Untouchables and Other Random Historical Facts

The Old World’s Medieval Untouchables and Other Random Historical Facts

Khalid Elhassan - March 17, 2020

The Old World’s Medieval Untouchables and Other Random Historical Facts
Ludwig II. Schloss Neushwanstein

10. The King Who Bankrupted Himself Building Fairytale Castles

Ludwig II of Bavaria, better known as “Mad King Ludwig” (1845 – 1886), reigned from 1864 until his death in 1886. A generous benefactor of the arts, he was an admirer and patron of the composer Richard Wagner. During his reign, Ludwig devoted himself to artistic and architectural projects, including opulent fairytale castles and palaces, whose construction he lavishly funded to the point of bankrupting himself.

After Bavaria joined the German Empire in 1871, Ludwig withdrew from governance. Concerning himself only intermittently with affairs of state, he went into morbid seclusion and devoted himself to his true passion: the arts. He worshipped the theater and the opera, especially the works of Richard Wagner, whose lifelong patron he became. He also developed a mania for extravagant building projects in the Bavarian mountains.
