The Regency Era: Splendid Facts About Pop Culture’s Favorite Period

The Regency Era: Splendid Facts About Pop Culture’s Favorite Period

Larry Holzwarth - January 22, 2021

The Regency Era: Splendid Facts About Pop Culture’s Favorite Period
King George IV arriving at Leith in Scotland in 1822 during a tour of Scotland. Wikimedia

21. The Duke of Wellington left a record of the King’s breakfast habits

In 1830, near the end of the reign of George IV, the Duke of Wellington attended him at breakfast. Wellington recorded the King consuming an entire pigeon and beef pie, as well as “three parts of a bottle of Mozelle, a Glass of Dry Champagne, two Glasses of Port…a Glass of Brandy”. The Duke also reported the King followed his breakfast with a large amount of laudanum. This while under the daily attendance of doctors. He grew more withdrawn than ever from the affairs of government, spending most of his time at Windsor Castle. A senior attendant to the King wrote in his diary, “A more contemptible, cowardly, selfish, unfeeling dog does not exist…”

As he grew aware of the nearness of his own end, George adopted religion. He confessed his repentance, and informed an archdeacon of his belief the Almighty would judge him for always doing his best for his subjects. He died on June 26, 1830, and was buried at Windsor Castle. His brother succeeded him as William IV. William died with no surviving legitimate children, though eight of his illegitimate children outlived him (he had ten known with a famous actress of the day). Upon his death, the throne was passed to his niece.
