The Secret Talents of 17 Historical Greats

The Secret Talents of 17 Historical Greats

D.G. Hewitt - January 22, 2019

The Secret Talents of 17 Historical Greats
Nostradamus made predictions, and he also loved making jam as well. Wikimedia Commons.

8. Nostradamus wasn’t just famous for his predictions, the Frenchman was also a 16th century gourmand and even wrote and published recipe books.

Even now, centuries after his death, many people right around the world remain fascinated by Nostradamus. To some, he was one of the greatest seers the world has ever known, and his prophecies have come true on many notable occasions. To others, however, Nostradamus was a fraudster and his so-called prophecies are easy to disprove. But, away from his alleged foresight, Nostradamus had another passion. Cooking. Famously, the Frenchman even published several books filled with his own special recipes and tips. While they may not be as famous as his 1550 Almanac or related works, his recipe books continue to have their fans today.

The self-proclaimed prophets most famous culinary work was his Treatise on Make-Up and Jam, published in 1552. The sage made full use of his time working as a traveling one-man apothecary. Not only were his jams supposed to be tasty, Nostradamus even claimed that they could treat a number of ailments, including sexual impotence. His recipes could also turn hair blonde and be used as tools for seduction – making them very popular with the men of the 16th century.
