The Ship That Disguised Itself as an Island and Other Lesser-Known WWII Facts

The Ship That Disguised Itself as an Island and Other Lesser-Known WWII Facts

Khalid Elhassan - July 6, 2020

The Ship That Disguised Itself as an Island and Other Lesser-Known WWII Facts
Wang Jingwei in his twenties. Wikimedia

23. The Chinese Quisling

Wang Zhaoming, better known by his pen name, Wang Jingwei (1883 – 1944), was a Chinese politician who had been an associate of the revolutionary nationalist leader Sun Yat-sen. After Sun Yat-sen’s death, Jingwei became a prominent leader in the left-wing of the Chinese ruling party, the Kuomintang (KMT), from which flank he contested the leadership of the KMT with its leader, Chiang Kai-shek.

A failed collaboration with the communists weakened Jingwei politically and embittered him so much that he abandoned the left altogether. He became a rabid right-winger, turned traitor, and during WWII, collaborated with the invading Japanese against his own people.
