The Strangest Sports Stories In History

The Strangest Sports Stories In History

Khalid Elhassan - June 14, 2023

The Strangest Sports Stories In History
‘Milo of Croton’, by Joseph Benoit Suvee. Wikimedia

An Ancient Superstar’s Unfortunate End

Not only was Milo of Croton an ancient sport superstar, he was also a great warrior. In 510 BC, the tyrant of nearby Sybaris banished some of his leading citizens, and was offended when Croton offered them asylum. Things escalated, especially after the philosopher Pythagoras, who spent much of his time in Croton, urged its citizens to use the dispute as a pretext to destroy Sybaris. War broke out, and Milo led the forces of Croton to victory, decked out in his Olympic crowns, a lion skin, and armed with a club like Hercules.

Milo’s remarkable life came to a bizarre end one day when he went out for a stroll through the woods, and came upon a tree trunk that had been partially split with wedges. Always on the lookout for opportunities to challenge himself with feats of strength, Milo tried to rend the tree apart with his bare hands. However, the wedges fell off and his hands got stuck in the crack. It was bad day for the era’s greatest athlete. It got worse when a pack of wolves (or a pride of lions, per some narratives) came upon him as he struggled to free himself, and ate him alive.
