The Town That Got Away With Murder and Other Largely Forgotten Historic Events

The Town That Got Away With Murder and Other Largely Forgotten Historic Events

Khalid Elhassan - November 23, 2019

The Town That Got Away With Murder and Other Largely Forgotten Historic Events
Locals inspecting the crime scene. Harry N. MacLean

31. The Unsolved Murder

When state troopers finally arrived in Skidmore, the streets were deserted, quiet except for the rumbling and smoking engine of McElroy’s pickup, which nobody had bothered to turn off. Shell casings from at least two firearms were recovered, but the weapons were never found. Although at least 40 people had witnessed the public killing, the people of Skidmore kept mum.

The Town That Got Away With Murder and Other Largely Forgotten Historic Events
Trena McElroy, center, is led to a car with her stepson Ken McElroy Jr. and an unidentified man following Ken Rex McElroy’s funeral in Maryville, Mo. in July 1981. At far right is McElroy’s former wife Alice Woods. Associated Press

State and federal grand juries were convened, but other than McElroy’s wife Trena, nobody was inclined to say anything, and her testimony was deemed too weak by the prosecutors. To this day, although it happened in broad daylight in front of dozens of witnesses, the killing of Ken McElroy remains an unsolved homicide. As his lawyer put it: “I know why they didn’t talk – they were all glad he was dead. That town got away with murder“.
