The True Story of The Last Duel and Judicial Combat

The True Story of The Last Duel and Judicial Combat

Larry Holzwarth - February 25, 2022

The True Story of The Last Duel and Judicial Combat
The Parlement of Paris heard the case in the Palais de Justice before agreeing to order a trial by combat. Library of Congress

14. The Parlement of Paris heard witnesses before arriving at their decision

Adam Louvel, as well as several servants, gave testimony before the Parlement and were subject to trial by ordeal to ensure their veracity. According to the priests responsible for the interrogation, none of the witnesses provided evidence indicating Le Gris’s guilt. The trial ran throughout the summer of 1386. Le Gris provided, in addition to the witnesses, information indicating he had been nowhere near the site of the accused rape during the period it was alleged to have taken place. Other squires in the service of Count Pierre supported his alibi. By September it was evident that the Parlement could not reach a verdict in the case. The Parlement decided the issue would be settled by judicial combat. It also announced that Marguerite would appear at the combat, and if Le Gris prevailed, indicating his innocence, she would suffer death.

Their decision required the approval of the King, who was then campaigning in Flanders. When the King was informed the duel would take place in late November he issued a postponement. Not wanting to miss such a historic event, he scheduled the duel for December 29. The Abbey of Saint Martin des Champs, outside Paris, was selected as the site for the combat. Stands for spectators and a Royal Box for the King and his retinue were erected at the Abbey. Nobles from throughout the King’s realm prepared to attend, and seating for the lowborn was provided. For the latter, warnings were issued that the combat was to be viewed in silence, at the pain of losing one’s hand should they make noise. The weapons were selected, with both men jousting with lances, attempting to unhorse their enemy. They were also to carry a broadsword, battleaxe, and a dagger.
