These ‘Cougars’ from History Shocked Society

These ‘Cougars’ from History Shocked Society

D.G. Hewitt - December 22, 2018

These ‘Cougars’ from History Shocked Society
Potiphar’s attempted seduction of young Joseph was another early criticism of older, sexual women. Wikimedia Commons.

16. The Wife of Potiphar and her attempted seduction of her younger slave has inspired artists and writers for centuries

The idea of an older, sensual woman seducing a younger, innocent man has been around for centuries. Indeed, one of the most colorful stories of the Old Testament concerns just this. What’s more, the tale of the wife of Potiphar has inspired countless artists and writers. Though she was never even given a name, for hundreds of years she has been held up as the ultimate example of the predatory ‘cougar’ and, according to some scholars, the biblical story even helped shape how sexually-confident older women were seen in the past – and, indeed, how they are still seen.

Potiphar was, according to the Book of Genesis, the captain of the Egyptian palace guard. When Joseph was sold into slavery by his jealous brothers, he was purchased by Potiphar. That’s how he came to the attention of Potiphar’s wife. Though considerably older than her new slave boy, she attempts to seduce him. When Joseph turns down her advances, she accuses him of rape. Joseph is thrown into prison – though some Biblical scholars note that, since he wasn’t executed, Potiphar probably didn’t believe his wife. It’s while he’s a prisoner that the Pharaoh learns of Joseph’s ability to interpret dreams.
