These Elderly People Peaked During their Twilight Years and Changed History

These Elderly People Peaked During their Twilight Years and Changed History

Khalid Elhassan - November 30, 2022

These Elderly People Peaked During their Twilight Years and Changed History
Gephard Leberecht von Blucher. Putty and Paint

A Tiff With Frederick the Great

Blucher was high strung and a hard charger – great assets in wartime. However, those traits were decided liabilities in peacetime. That became clear in 1772, when then-Captain Blucher subjected an unruly priest to a mock execution. Even by eighteenth century standards, mock executions of priests were frowned upon – the behavior of a barbarian, not that of a professional officer in the army of a civilized state. As a result, Blucher was passed over for promotion to major in 1773. Unfortunately, he was never known for his ability to keep his temper in check, and he let his ire show.

Angered at the perceived slight, Blucher submitted an angry letter of resignation from the Prussian Army. An incensed King Frederick the Great responded: “Captain Blucher can take himself to the devil!” Blucher retired to the countryside and became a farmer. He was good enough at it to gain financial independence. However, after the heated passion of the moment that led him to resign from the Prussian Army had passed, Blucher had second thoughts about what he had done. He pined for his days as a soldier, and sought to rejoin his regiment.
