These Elderly People Peaked During their Twilight Years and Changed History

These Elderly People Peaked During their Twilight Years and Changed History

Khalid Elhassan - November 30, 2022

These Elderly People Peaked During their Twilight Years and Changed History
An elderly Bishop Hugh Latimer on his way to the stake. Davenant Institute

An Old Man Who Went Out Like a Total Baddie

Unfortunately for Hugh Latimer and England’s Protestants, Edward VI died young and without issue. He was succeeded by his sister Mary, a staunch Catholic who viewed Protestantism as a heresy, and was determined to restore England to Catholicism. Mary ordered that prominent Protestants, such as Latimer, be imprisoned and tried for heresy. Latimer, along with fellow bishop Nicholas Ridley and Archbishop Thomas Cranmer, was tried for heresy in Oxford in 1555. When he refused to renounce his faith, he was convicted of heresy and sentenced to be burned at the stake.

These Elderly People Peaked During their Twilight Years and Changed History
The execution of Hugh Latimer. Two Pages Pilgrim

Latimer was chained to the stake alongside Ridley. When the flames were lit, Ridley cried out in anguish. Latimer sought to comfort him even as he himself was being consumed by fire. The old bishop told his colleague: “be of good cheer, master Ridley, and play the man; we shall this day light such a candle in England, as I hope, by God’s grace, shall never be put out.” It could be argued that the candle still burns. Queen Mary’s efforts to restore Catholicism failed. When she died in 1558, she was succeeded by her Protestant sister, Elizabeth I, and England has been Protestant ever since.


Where Did We Find This Stuff? Some Sources and Further Reading

Africa: Journal of the International African Institute, Vol. 77, No. 2 (2007) – The Life and Afterlife of Yaa Asantewaa

Armitage, Cecil Hamilton, and Montanaro, Arthur Forbes – The Ashanti Campaign of 1900 (2011 Edition)

Black History Heroes – Queen Nana Yaa Asantewaa of West Africa’s Ashanti Empire

Cassius Dio – Roman History, Book LXV, Vespasian

Dangerous Women Project – Yaa Asantewaa, Queen Mother of the Ashanti Confederacy

Encyclopedia Britannica – Agesilaus II

Encyclopedia Britannica – Quintus Fabius Maximus Verrucosus

Encyclopedia Britannica – Hugh Latimer

First Things, a Monthly Journal of Religion and Public Life, No. 284, 2018, p. 33+ – Latimer and Ridley are Forgotten: Peter Hitchens Recovers a Protestant Understanding of England’s Martyrs

Henderson, Ernest F. – Blucher and the Uprising of Prussia Against Napoleon, 1806-1815 (2015)

Hernon, Ian – Britain’s Forgotten Wars: Colonial Campaigns of the 19th Century (2002)

Historian’s Hut – King Agesilaus II of Sparta Commanded a Mercenary Company in Egypt When He Was 84 Years Old

History Collection – 85 Year Old Prime Minister Wheelbarrowed a Donation of 32,000 Books Between his Home and the Library in this Touching Story

Hofschroer, Peter – 1815, The Waterloo Campaign: The German Victory (1999)

Lamb, Harold – Hannibal: One Man Against Rome (1958)

Leggiere, Michael V. – Napoleon and Berlin: The Franco-Prussian War in North Germany, 1813 (2015)

Livius – Agesilaus II

Livy – The War With Hannibal

Plutarch – The Parallel Lives: The Life of Agesilaus

Morgan, Gwyn – 69 AD, the Year of the Four Emperors (2006)

Parkinson, Roger – The Hussar General: The Life of Blucher, Man of Waterloo (1975)
