These Facts are Forgotten or Misrepresented in History Classes

These Facts are Forgotten or Misrepresented in History Classes

Larry Holzwarth - February 1, 2019

These Facts are Forgotten or Misrepresented in History Classes
Louis XVI of France worked as a blacksmith in the Palace of Versaille before he was guillotined during the French Revolution. Wikimedia

2. Louis XVI was far from a lazy and effeminate monarch

Louis XVI of France, who was dethroned and beheaded during the French Revolution, is usually depicted as a lazy, incompetent, and indecisive man, uncaring of his subjects and concerned solely with his own luxurious surroundings. Not true. In fact, the King of France was a practicing blacksmith, an avid hunter and horseman, and acted decisively to support the American Revolution against the British, which bankrupted his treasury and helped lead to his downfall. His reputation as a dissolute tyrant was created largely by his enemies as justification for his execution as an enemy of the people, and was both untrue and undeserved.
