These Facts are Forgotten or Misrepresented in History Classes

These Facts are Forgotten or Misrepresented in History Classes

Larry Holzwarth - February 1, 2019

These Facts are Forgotten or Misrepresented in History Classes
Paul Revere made rides to warn other communities of British activities in daylight too. Wikimedia

24. Another ride of Paul Revere

There are many myths surrounding Paul Revere’s ride to Lexington in April, 1775 (he never made it to Concord that night) but another of his ride’s to sound the alarm is nearly forgotten. In December, 1774 Revere was dispatched to warn patriots in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, that a British ship and a detachment of marines was bound to that city to seize the gunpowder and arms stored by the militia at Fort William and Mary. The sixty mile ride was through freezing weather and Revere completed it on December 13. Four hundred men raided the fort the next day, overwhelmed the six man garrison of British soldiers and seized the stores. The raid led to more aggressive British policies seizing patriot stores, which began to be executed the following spring.
