These Historic Facts Are So Strange, They Sound Entirely Made Up

These Historic Facts Are So Strange, They Sound Entirely Made Up

Shannon Quinn - January 10, 2023

These Historic Facts Are So Strange, They Sound Entirely Made Up
Oxford University today still has many of the ancient buildings standing on campus. Credit: Shutterstock


The University of Oxford is Older Than the Aztec Empire

When we think of the Aztec Empire, we imagine an incredibly native culture in ancient times. Artifacts from the Aztecs are dug up and put on display in museums, which adds even more to the idea that it truly existed at a time before modern conveniences. But in reality, Oxford University is actually older than the Aztec Empire! They began teaching in 1096, and by 1249 they were a full-fledged university with residential halls and multiple school buildings. And they aren’t even the oldest university in the world. That prize goes to Nalanda University in India, which opened hundreds of years before Oxford. Archeologists date the “founding” of the Aztecs to be when they built the city of Tenochtitlán in 1325. The city was captured by Spanish conquistadors in 1521.
