These Historic Figures Uttered These Shocking Words With Their Final Breath

These Historic Figures Uttered These Shocking Words With Their Final Breath

Khalid Elhassan - February 4, 2024


These Historic Figures Uttered These Shocking Words With Their Final Breath
Stjepan Filipovic’s defiance unto death. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum


An Antifascist Hero’s Final Words Just As Powerful As His Life

From the hilarious to the heroic, and the last words of antifascist fighter Stjepan Filipovic. To come up with defiant final words against tyranny and oppression while at death’s door is badass. Then there is shouting defiance against tyranny and oppression while the oppressive tyrant’s noose is around one’s neck, which takes things to another level. Stjepan Filopivic managed to pull off the latter in WWII, when he shouted to a gathered crowd “Death to fascism! Freedom to the people!” with a Nazi noose around his neck. They were his last words on earth, just a split second before his execution.

Stjepan Filipovic was a Croatian who was born in 1916 in what became Yugoslavia after World War I. He left home when he was sixteen-years-old, and got a job as a metalworker. In 1937, he joined the local workers’ movement and became an activist. He was arrested for political activity, and was sentenced to a year in jail. His time behind bars only served to further radicalize him, and upon his release in 1940, he joined the Communist Party. He was radicalized even further when Germany invaded and conquered Yugoslavia in 1941.
