These Influential Figures in History Were Actually Eunuchs

These Influential Figures in History Were Actually Eunuchs

Shannon Quinn - December 26, 2018

These Influential Figures in History Were Actually Eunuchs
Mohammad Khan Qajar Credit: Wikimedia Commons

9. Agha Mohammad Khan Was The King of the Qajar Dynasty

As a child Agha Mohammad was a prince who was kidnapped and castrated by his captors. Despite this setback, he was still the eldest son of his family, so he still grew up to fulfill his royal duties. From 1794 to 1797, Agha Mohammad Khan severed as the Chieftain of the Qajar Tribe. It’s very possible that he never got over the fact that he had been castrated, because he was remembered as being a cruel ruler who showed the same level of brutality to other people as he had received as a child. He got into a lot of conflicts with neighboring chieftains he ruthlessly conquered the country of Georgia and forced thousands of residents to leave.

He spent far less time negotiating and being a politician, and focused almost all of his time and energy into the military. Instead of trying to run his country, he wanted to continue to kill more people conquer more territories. He obviously could not have any children, and therefore did not have any heirs. In 1797, Agha Mohammad was in a tent after taking over the city of Shusha. He got into a heated argument with someone, and he was killed. His nephew took over the throne after his death.
