These Lavish Dowries In History are Obscene

These Lavish Dowries In History are Obscene

Trista - January 24, 2020

These Lavish Dowries In History are Obscene
Mary Tudor, Queen of France. Wikimedia.

21. Mary Tudor’s Dowry Is Considered More Of A Fine Than A Gift

A dowry is meant to be seen as a gift for the marrying couple. Due to past laws, the bride’s father often handed the groom the dowry as many rules stated that women were the property of their husbands. Of course, this is a case-by-case basis as some dowries followed a future Queen.

When Henry VIII’s sister, Mary Tudor, married her second husband, her brother became angry. He never told Mary she could marry Charles Brandon and sent her a bill asking telling her to repay her dowry from her first marriage plus interest.
