These Lavish Dowries In History are Obscene

These Lavish Dowries In History are Obscene

Trista - January 24, 2020

These Lavish Dowries In History are Obscene
Oil painting of Anne of Denmark. Wikimedia.

29. King James I of England Received Land When He Married Anne

Like many people of her social status, Anne of Denmark came with a dowry of land. The future King James I of England, known as King James VI of Scotland at the time of his marriage, didn’t always like his wife, but he enjoyed the additional land.

The land, northern Orkney isles, wasn’t the only part of Anne’s Dowry. Anne’s family also sent her hundreds of thousands of pounds. Of course, Anne continued to have her attitude. While this wasn’t part of the dowry, it stayed with Anne, and she often sought revenge after their nasty arguments.
