These Little Known Facts about 40 of America’s Presidents Snatched Our Powdered Wigs

These Little Known Facts about 40 of America’s Presidents Snatched Our Powdered Wigs

Larry Holzwarth - January 31, 2019

These Little Known Facts about 40 of America’s Presidents Snatched Our Powdered Wigs
James K. Polk banned dancing, playing cards, and alcoholic beverages from the Executive Mansion during his stay there. White House

11. James Knox Polk banned fun in his White House

James K. Polk was strictly all business in his approach to the office of the presidency and the residence he occupied. He and his wife made the White House as quiet as a tomb when not entertaining guests. Card games of all kinds were banned and playing cards removed from the house. All alcoholic beverages were banned, even at state dinners and receptions, to the consternation of foreign dignitaries. The only entertainment was conversation, although occasionally musicians would play at receptions, though the Polks allowed no dancing at any event of which the president was the host, whether in the White House or another site.
