These Little Known Facts about 40 of America’s Presidents Snatched Our Powdered Wigs

These Little Known Facts about 40 of America’s Presidents Snatched Our Powdered Wigs

Larry Holzwarth - January 31, 2019

These Little Known Facts about 40 of America’s Presidents Snatched Our Powdered Wigs
James Monroe could ill-afford to modernize his wardrobe. Library of Congress

5. James Monroe was the last president to wear knee breeches and a tricorn hat

James Monroe’s primary legacy remains the doctrine which bears his name. For most of his life he was insolvent, a situation made worse by the ill-health his wife suffered throughout her life. During his presidency, men’s fashion changed to make long pants and shorter coats the most commonly worn clothing, except among servants. But to save money, Monroe continued to wear knee breeches and the tricorn hat which he had worn in his youth for the rest of his life. He was the last president to be so arrayed. He was also the last president of which no photograph was taken, and thus the last recognized today only through the efforts of portrait painters.
