These Little Known People from History Changed the Way We Live Every Day

These Little Known People from History Changed the Way We Live Every Day

Larry Holzwarth - March 13, 2019

These Little Known People from History Changed the Way We Live Every Day
A first edition of Nathaniel Bowditch’s New American Practical Navigator. US Naval Observatory

3. Nathaniel Bowditch and the American Practical Navigator

Nautical navigation was as much an art as it was a science at the beginning of the 19th century, with accurate determination of a ship’s location often dependent on the relative skill and mathematical ability of its officers. Nathaniel Bowditch, a mathematician, actuary, and astronomer, published the New American Practical Navigator in 1802, a guide for seamen which provided accurately calculated celestial tables, tide tables, and other information of use to those at sea. The book was so influential that in the 21st century, in an age of global positioning systems, it is still carried onboard every commissioned vessel of the United States Navy.
