These Little Known People from History Changed the Way We Live Every Day

These Little Known People from History Changed the Way We Live Every Day

Larry Holzwarth - March 13, 2019

These Little Known People from History Changed the Way We Live Every Day
Luigi Bezzerra discovered the method of making individual servings of espresso. Wikimedia

5. Luigi Bezzerra gave the world its caffeine fix

Prior to 1901, espresso was brewed in large quantities which were retained in urns, rather than fresh individual servings. That year a Milanese entrepreneur and coffee lover developed and patented the worlds’ first single serving espresso machine, which was installed in a coffee bar in Milan and which became an immediate success. The machine both produced a single serving of espresso quickly (less than 30 seconds) and removed the danger of scalding which baristas had faced whenever they brewed a batch of the beverage. Although an acquired taste, there is little doubt that the widespread popularity of espresso owes itself to the unknown Bezzerra.
