These Museums are Delightfully Strange and Unconventional

These Museums are Delightfully Strange and Unconventional

Larry Holzwarth - August 5, 2021

These Museums are Delightfully Strange and Unconventional
Humans and dinosaurs lived side-by-side according to the Creation Museum in Petersburg, Kentucky. Christian Science Monitor

8. A museum dedicated to creationism

The Creation Museum, in Petersburg, Kentucky, exists to allow “families to experience earth history as God has revealed it in the Bible.” In its displays, dioramas, and other exhibits, it depicts dinosaurs interacting with humans. It presents claims that the earth is approximately 6,000 years old, and that the entire fossil record is younger than that. It offers several activities designed for children, including interactive exhibits, a petting zoo, informational videos, and educational programs. All are based on literal interpretations of the Bible. The Creation Museum presents the Bible as the one true source of factual history regarding the earth and those who populate it. It reinforces this view through a sister facility, Ark Encounter, not far away in the small town of Williamstown, Kentucky. The latter identifies itself as a theme park, rather than a museum.

The Creation Museum disputes all geology, cosmology, modern biology, and any form of science or history which differs from that presented in the Biblical account. Instead, it presents the Biblical account as true science and supports the assertion through its displays and supporting materials. It describes itself on its webpage as a “Christian evangelist outreach of Answers in Genesis, as is our sister attraction, Ark Encounter”. Both depict a young earth (6,000 years old), deny the scientific consensus the earth is approximately 4.5 billion years old, and present dinosaurs interacting with humans. One of the first displays encountered in the Creation Museum is a diorama in which two children are at play, unmolested by a nearby dinosaur. It also argues against the scientific belief that birds descended from dinosaurs, pointing out that Utahraptors had no feathers.
