This is What Life Was Like for an Egyptian Worker Building the Pyramids

This is What Life Was Like for an Egyptian Worker Building the Pyramids

Aimee Heidelberg - February 27, 2023

This is What Life Was Like for an Egyptian Worker Building the Pyramids
A monument of stone, Great Pyramid of Giza. kallerna (2010)

More Evidence Against Slaves at Great Pyramids of Giza

To date, archaeologists have found no record that slaves worked on the Great Pyramid of Giza. They have, however, found documents recording labor tax collection around Egypt from that era. One thing that still mystifies Egyptologists is why so many people came to the Giza region to work on the pyramids. They could have been people looking for work. They could have had an extreme loyalty to the Pharaoh and wanted to be part of a grand, immortal project. Or they may have been doing a sort of compelled national service. Nobody really knows if it was a sort of patriotism or a required national service to work on the pyramid project. When their service was up, they would return to their homes with new skills and a common experience shared with others in the larger Egyptian region.
