This is What Life was Like in Communist East Germany

This is What Life was Like in Communist East Germany

Tim Flight - December 18, 2019

This is What Life was Like in Communist East Germany
1978 poster for the movie Grease. Amazon

33. The GDR censored movies and banned Grease for being too capitalist

Since East Germany had communism imposed upon it, the SED had to be very careful to ensure people accepted it. This meant criticism of the regime and Western ideologies and culture all had to be censored. Films, in particular, were very popular, and thus potentially very dangerous. They didn’t want people encouraged to think or act differently from their idea of a good communist citizen. The GDR banned foreign movies such as Grease for promoting capitalist ideologies, but allowed others closer to the socialist outlook. The SED even banned movies made in East Germany for criticizing the regime.
