This Random City Was A Literal Paradise For Prohibition Gangsters

This Random City Was A Literal Paradise For Prohibition Gangsters

Aimee Heidelberg - October 31, 2023

This Random City Was A Literal Paradise For Prohibition Gangsters
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, personal friend of the Bremer family. Public domain (1932).

Gangsters Ran into Trouble

Unfortunately for the gang, the FBI was on high alert in St. Paul after the Hamm kidnapping. And the Bremer family was friends with President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The FBI wanted to resolve this kidnapping and ensure there would be no more. This kidnapping was a more difficult experience for the gang than the Hamm job. There was a great deal of blood in the car. The FBI tapped the Bremer phones. The family claimed they were “cash poor,” and offered half the ransom. Hamm’s family paid their ransom within a couple days. Bremer’s was dragging for weeks. Where Hamm had been reasonably pleasant to kidnap, the injured Bremer was proving to be more vocal about his injuries and his grievances with his situation. Despite the FBI’s resolve to capture the kidnappers, Bremer’s family refused to cooperate with them, preferring to deal with the kidnappers directly.
