Tolkien vs. Disney and Other Major Historic Feuds

Tolkien vs. Disney and Other Major Historic Feuds

Khalid Elhassan - August 20, 2021

Tolkien vs. Disney and Other Major Historic Feuds
Prince in 1983, around the time his feud with Michael Jackson went into high gear. Rock Scene Auctions

26. Prince Tried to Run Michael Jackson Over With His Limousine

Michael Jackson was delighted at Prince’s mishap at the 1983 James Brown concert, and his unconcealed glee at the Purple One’s humiliation transformed what had been a mere rivalry until then into a bitter feud. Years later, the King of Pop still savored his rival’s literal fall. As he described it: “He made a fool of himself! He was a joke … People were running and screaming. I was so embarrassed. It was all on video“. Understandably, Prince was mortified.

He had not just suffered an embarrassment before a crowd, but in front of his idol, James Brown, and in the presence of his rival, MJ. So he decided to run him over. According to music producer Quincy Jones, a livid Prince waited in a limo outside the concert venue and planned to run MJ over when he came out. It is not clear whether Prince actually made the attempted hit and run, but as Quincy Jones told QG in an interview, he had every intention of doing so.
