Tragic Discoveries from the Canadian Indigenous Schools and other Events

Tragic Discoveries from the Canadian Indigenous Schools and other Events

Khalid Elhassan - July 27, 2021

Tragic Discoveries from the Canadian Indigenous Schools and other Events
A 1902 publication introducing Canadians to the newly arrived – and welcome – Doukhobors, before things took a tragic turn for the worse. Prints and Ephemera

6. The Start of the Tragic Chain of Events That Got the Spirit Warriors In Trouble in Canada

Early in the twentieth century, the Doukhobors emigrated to Canada in search of religious freedom. Things began well, but misunderstandings soon set in motion a tragic chain of events. The end result was that the Spirit Warriors morphed in Canada from an odd sect and into a dangerous one, famous for mass nudist protests, and infamous for arsons on a massive scale. The Doukhobors first arrived in Saskatchewan in 1902, their emigration facilitated by Leo Tolstoy and the Society of Friends, or Quakers.

At first, the Canadians saw the industrious Spirit Warriors as ideal settlers. At the time, the Canadian government granted 160 acres of land for a nominal fee of $10 to any male homesteader, provided he established a farm within three years. However, because of their religious beliefs, the new arrivals could not swear allegiance to the Crown. That disqualified them for the land grants, which they viewed as a breach of promises made by the authorities. Embittered, they trekked to British Columbia, where they established drab little communal villages.
