Tragic Discoveries from the Canadian Indigenous Schools and other Events

Tragic Discoveries from the Canadian Indigenous Schools and other Events

Khalid Elhassan - July 27, 2021

Tragic Discoveries from the Canadian Indigenous Schools and other Events
League of German Girls members – in a tragic development, Nazi adults preyed upon them. Wikimedia

23. Nazis Encouraged Underage Boys and Girls to Mate, and Officials Molested Girls Enrolled in Nazi Organizations

While the Third Reich indoctrinated Hitler Youth boys to become good Nazis and prepared them to become soldiers, its League of German Girls trained girls to become good Nazi wives and mothers. Leaders of the female branch were even directed to recruit girls of good genetic stock, to breed with SS and Nazi officials in accordance with a selective breeding program known as Lebensborn. The girls were matched with breeding partners, impregnated, and the program afforded them facilities in which to give birth and receive prenatal and postnatal care. Because the Hitlerjugend and the League of German Girls were deemed Aryan organizations, premarital sex between their members was often encouraged, in a bid to increase the stock of Aryan babies.

Tragic Discoveries from the Canadian Indigenous Schools and other Events
Hitler Youth at a Nuremberg Rally. Die Wahrheit Ist Wie Ein Gewitter

Mixed-gender gatherings of the youth organizations, such as the Nuremberg Rallies, often produced bumper crops of teen pregnancies. The most famous of those, the 1936 Nuremberg Rally, led to an estimated 900 pregnancies. It is unclear how many of those pregnancies were the result of consensual sex between Nazi teens, and how many the result of molestation by adult Nazis, but the number of pregnancies dismayed many. Traditional conservative elements still held some sway in the Nazi party at the time, and the Lebensborn crowd had not yet gained an ascendancy, so a temporary stir and kerfuffle ensued. To add a layer of tragedy to the icky, many of the pregnancies were terminated by abortions, on orders from the Party.
