Not everyone is a happy history buff, but there are some aspects of history most people will find fascinating. When you look at paintings of historical figures, they often look very different from the average person you’d see walking down the street today. Part of their noticeable difference from people in the present day is their clothing and hairstyles, which were obviously very different one hundred or more years ago! But part of the obvious difference is simple human evolution. People change over the years, and some features become more prominent while others nearly disappear. Are you curious to see the modern-day versions of prominent people throughout history? Keep scrolling to see these unbelievable comparisons created by Dallas-based artist and graphic designer Becca Saladin!

Jane Austen
Anyone who paid attention during their high school English classes will recognize the name Jane Austen. She’s a well-known and highly praised British author who explored deep issues in her novels. One of her most famous works, “Pride and Prejudice,” is still widely regarded as an impressive talking piece about women’s dependence on marriage for economic and social security during those times. The modern-day picture of Jane Austen portrays her precisely as she was- an average woman of average appearance.