Unearthing Antarctic Secrets: Shackleton’s Ill-Fated Expedition Revealed Shocking Discoveries

Unearthing Antarctic Secrets: Shackleton’s Ill-Fated Expedition Revealed Shocking Discoveries

Aimee Heidelberg - September 11, 2023

Unearthing Antarctic Secrets: Shackleton’s Ill-Fated Expedition Revealed Shocking Discoveries
Hipodromo Nacional de Belgrano, Buenos Aries (1910). Public domain.

Buenos Aries Stopover – Everything Comes Together

Shackleton wasn’t on board when it left Plymouth in August of 1914 under the command of Captain Frank Worsley. He was attending to last-minute personal matters at home. He met the Endurance in Buenos Aries. Shackleton and Worsley discharged sailors that weren’t performing well or were drunk on duty – there was no time for that during a long, dangerous voyage. The dog teams joined the Shackleton expedition in October in Buenos Aries. Shackleton bought 100 dogs, a mix of wolf-dog cross breeds, mastiffs, hounds, and collies who would provide transportation and service during the expedition. The dogs arrived with Frank Wild, the Endurance‘s Second in Command. After final preparations were complete in Buenos Aries, the crew set out for South Georgia Island before heading to the coast of Antarctica
