Unearthing Antarctic Secrets: Shackleton’s Ill-Fated Expedition Revealed Shocking Discoveries

Unearthing Antarctic Secrets: Shackleton’s Ill-Fated Expedition Revealed Shocking Discoveries

Aimee Heidelberg - September 11, 2023

Unearthing Antarctic Secrets: Shackleton’s Ill-Fated Expedition Revealed Shocking Discoveries
The Endurance encounte

Entering the Weddell Sea

The Endurance encountered its first pack ice on December 8th, in the Weddell Sea, off the Arctic Peninsula. They were still 600 miles from any land and 1,000 miles from their goal of Vahsel Bay. The Norwegian whalers had been right. Winter arrived earlier than expected, with harsh cold and winds. They were able to push through the ice as it tightened and loosened around the ship. They knew Vahsel Bay was a few days away, and the weather predicted to be calm. The ice had let up a bit, too. The crew was in good spirits; after all, their landing point was within grasp.
