We Are Still Learning Weird Things About Ancient Sparta

We Are Still Learning Weird Things About Ancient Sparta

Khalid Elhassan - February 15, 2024


Where Did We Find This Stuff? Some Sources and Further Reading


Ancient Origins – The Brutal Draconian Laws of Ancient Greece

Ancient Warfare – The Battle of Salamis

Bulfinch, Thomas – Bulfinch’s Mythology (2010)

Daily Beast – This Myth About the Spartans Just Got Blown Up

Dunn, P M, Archives of Disease in Childhood, Fetal and Neonatal Edition, Volume 91(1), January 2006 – Aristotle (384 – 322 BC): Philosopher and Scientist of Ancient Greece

Encyclopedia Britannica – Ephialtes, Greek Traitor

Encyclopedia Britannica – Helot

Forrest, William George Grieve – A History of Sparta, 950-192 BC (1963)

Gonick, Larry – The Cartoon History of the Universe I (1990)

Greek Legends and Myths – The Seer Calchas

Hanson, Victor Davis – The Soul of Battle: From Ancient Times to the Present Day, How Three Great Liberators Vanquished Tyranny (2001)

Herodotus – The Histories, Book 7, Battle of Thermopylae

Herodotus – The Histories, VI & VIII

History Collection – Population Control Was No Joke in Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire

Lazenby, John Francis – The Defence of Greece, 480-479 BC (1993)

Patterson, Cynthia. Transactions of the American Philological Association, Vol. 115 (1985) – ‘Not Worth the Rearing’: The Causes of Infant Exposure in Ancient Greece

Plutarch – Parallel Lives: Lycurgus

Science, December 10th, 2021 – Ancient Greeks Didn’t Kill ‘Weak’ Babies, New Study Argues

Sneed, Debby. Hesperia: The Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens 90, no. 4 (2021) – Disability and Infanticide in Ancient Greece

Stone, George Cameron – A Glossary of the Construction, Decoration and Use of Arms and Armor (1999)

Strauss, Barry – The Battle of Salamis: The Naval Encounter That Saved Greece and Western Civilization (2004)

Talbert, Richard J. A., Historia Journal, Bd. 31, H. 1 (1st Quarter, 1989) – The Role of the Helots in the Class Struggle at Sparta

World History Encyclopedia – Draco’s Law Code

World History Encyclopedia – Miltiades
