What It’s Like Growing up in a Mafia family

What It’s Like Growing up in a Mafia family

Larry Holzwarth - October 15, 2021

What It’s Like Growing up in a Mafia family
Henry Hill provided information on associates from other mob families, including, allegedly, John Gotti. FBI

14. Life for Gregg and Gina Hill was a continuous challenge

In every stop on their peripatetic journey through childhood and adolescence, both Gregg and Gina encountered losses caused by their father’s actions. Essentially, Henry Hill never really left the life he adopted as a child himself. He returned to petty crimes, heavy drinking, drugs, gambling, and associating with like minded acquaintances. He attempted to assuage his children’s resentment with occasional gifts, horses for Gina, various pieces of sporting equipment for Gregg. But he was often absent, even while not away testifying against his former accomplices. Throughout his tenure in WITSEC, his behavior grew ever more reckless. So did Karen’s, who made various attempts to establish herself as a pet groomer, a hairdresser, and other occupations. Gregg and Gina learned to make friends by not telling much of their past, not even their fictional past.

Hill’s recklessness continued to be endured by the authorities because the information he provided did far more than convict Jimmy Burke and Paul Vario. Hill’s often rambling testimony and depositions led to the FBI and US Attorney’s opening new investigations. His evidence helped the federal authorities obtain warrants for searches and electronic surveillance on subjects with whom Hill had had little direct contact, including John Gotti. The government wasn’t yet ready to release its hold on Henry Hill, not as long as he still held the potential for future convictions of mob associates. But Hill was growing increasingly willing to violate his agreement with the government, contacting former associates in New York (one had provided funding for the Queen City Trolley), and making other deals unknown to the US Attorneys. While in Redmond, he made his biggest since entering WITSEC.
