What Lincoln’s Pockets Held When he Died and Other Presidential Oddities

What Lincoln’s Pockets Held When he Died and Other Presidential Oddities

Khalid Elhassan - July 15, 2021

What Lincoln’s Pockets Held When he Died and Other Presidential Oddities
Washington Times front-page coverage of the White House homosexual ring scandal. Veterans Today

22. The Forgotten Homosexual Harlotry Scandal of President George Herbert Walker Bush’s White House

President George Herbert Walker Bush is not usually remembered for scandal. However, one of the most salacious scandals to ever occur in a modern administration occurred while he occupied the Oval Office. The kind that would dominate news cycles for months on end today. A scandal about homosexual harlotry being solicited with White House Officials. The recent Pizzagate conspiracy theory about the involvement of Hillary Clinton and senior Democrats in a child trafficking ring run out of the basement of a Washington, DC, pizzeria (which had no basement) is pretty nutty. However, there was a time when soliciting explicit activity actually involved the White House.

It began on June 29, 1989, when the capital’s conservative newspaper, The Washington Times, dropped a bombshell about a homosexual harlotry ring that reached into the White House. The headline, which took up the entire front page’s top, announced: “Homosexual Prostitution Inquiry Ensnares VIPS With Reagan, Bush: ‘Call Boys’ Took Tour of the White House“. The details were equally salacious, and described a federal investigation into a homosexual harlotry ring whose clients included key officials of the Reagan and Bush administration, and US military officers. Some of the clients had the kind of access that enabled them to arrange 1:00 AM White House tours for their friends, who included male SWs.
