What Lincoln’s Pockets Held When he Died and Other Presidential Oddities

What Lincoln’s Pockets Held When he Died and Other Presidential Oddities

Khalid Elhassan - July 15, 2021

What Lincoln’s Pockets Held When he Died and Other Presidential Oddities
President John F. Kennedy was among those who hooked up with Ellen Rometsch. Jewish Business News

11. The Spy Who Shagged Not One, But Two US Presidents

Ellen Rometsch got around, and her wild and intimate escapades extended beyond JFK. Another of the seductress’ conquests was future president Gerald Ford, who was then a Congressman. After Kennedy was killed, Ford was appointed to the Warren Commission that investigated the assassination. FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover was frustrated with the Warren Commission because it did not share information with him. However, he had dirt on Ford: his affair with Rometsch. So he used that to blackmail the future president and got him to share the Commission’s findings with the FBI.

As described by a contemporary: “Hoover had this tape where Jerry Ford was having oral s*x with Ellen Rometsch. You know, his wife had a serious drug problem back then… Hoover blackmailed Ford to tell him what they were doing“. As to Rometsch, Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy got wind of an FBI investigation into her as a suspected spy, that entailed a hard look at her trail of seductions through Washington. To avert a political scandal similar to the then-recent Profumo Affair which had rocked Britain, RFK had Rometsch quietly deported back to Germany.
