What Lincoln’s Pockets Held When he Died and Other Presidential Oddities

What Lincoln’s Pockets Held When he Died and Other Presidential Oddities

Khalid Elhassan - July 15, 2021

What Lincoln’s Pockets Held When he Died and Other Presidential Oddities
Warren G. Harding. Wikimedia

8. Warren G. Harding’s Time in the White House Was Short, But His List of Scandals Was Long

Warren G. Harding (1865 – 1923) is consistently ranked amongst America’s worst presidents. His administration, from 1921 until his sudden death in office in 1923, is best remembered for a slew of scandals, both private and official. The biggest one was Teapot Dome, in which Harding’s Secretary of the Interior took bribes to lease oil fields to oil companies at low rates, without any competitive bids. Other scandals involved his Attorney General who took bribes from bootleggers, and his director of the Veterans Bureau, who enriched himself with massive graft.

As to Harding himself, revelations about affairs with mistresses inflicted yet more damage on his reputation. After the recent blizzard of scandals, shenanigans like those of Harding and his administration would probably occupy the news cycle for a few days, tops. However, the 1920s were more innocent, and such scandals shook the country. Between the corruption and the details of salacious escapades with his mistresses, Harding’s public regard, which had been exceptionally high at the time of his death, took a nose dive and was replaced with contempt.
