When US and German Soldiers Fought Together and Lesser-Known World War II Events

When US and German Soldiers Fought Together and Lesser-Known World War II Events

Khalid Elhassan - August 25, 2020

When US and German Soldiers Fought Together and Lesser-Known World War II Events
Charles de Gaulle’s sister, Mari-Agnes Cailliau, was among the French VIPs imprisoned in Itter Castle. Agence France Presse

38. Fears of Liquidation

For Nazi prisoners, the VIPs at Itter Castle were relatively well-treated. Their cells were converted into hotel guest rooms, they had adequate food, were free to walk within the compound, and were attended by a staff of prisoners from Dachau. However, things started to get hairy towards the end of the war in 1945, and Itter Castle’s inmates came to fear for their lives.

When Dachau concentration camp was liberated by advancing American troops, its commandant fled to Itter Castle. There, he committed suicide on May 2nd, 1945. Two days later, Itter’s commandant and the remaining guards abandoned the prison, leaving the inmates to their own devices. However, the prisoners were unable to leave, because of hostile Germans nearby. Particularly the SS, whom the prisoners were informed had been ordered to liquidate Itter Castle’s inmates.
