Wild Kinks and Perversions of 20 Influential Historical Figures

Wild Kinks and Perversions of 20 Influential Historical Figures

Khalid Elhassan - July 15, 2019

Wild Kinks and Perversions of 20 Influential Historical Figures
Lord Byron. Every Writer’s Resource

10. Lord Byron had a love child with his sister

Lord Byron, widely praised for his brilliant use of the English language, was one of the Romantic Movement’s greatest icons, and one of Britain’s greatest poets. He gained further fame, or infamy, for his flamboyance, the notoriety of his romances with members of both sexes, deviant practices, and allegations of incest. His most problematic affair was an incestuous one with his own sister, Augusta Leigh, whom Byron had seen little of during childhood. He made up for it by forming an extremely close relationship with her in adulthood. In 1814, the poet fathered a daughter upon his sister, making Byron the unfortunate child’s uncle, as well as father.

A sentimentalist, Byron liked to keep mementos of his lovers. In those days, the norm for mementos was a lock of hair from one’s object of affection, perhaps tied with a ribbon. But being Byron, Britain’s most flamboyant poet, eccentric aristocrat, and all-around pervert, a simple lock of hair would not do. Instead, Byron liked to snip clumps of pubic hair from his lovers’ crotches, and kept them, cataloged and labeled, in envelopes.
