Wildly Bizarre Decisions that Shaped Early America

Wildly Bizarre Decisions that Shaped Early America

Khalid Elhassan - October 26, 2023

Wildly Bizarre Decisions that Shaped Early America
An escort card. National Public Radio

Gilded Age Tinder

Nineteenth century escort cards often inquired: “May I see you home?” Some abbreviated that along the lines of “May I.C.U Home?” Others went for cute rhymes like “If You Have No Objection, I Will Be Your Protection“. Yet others simply got down to the point: “Not Married And Out For a Good Time“. Romantic – or randy – men needed to bypass social mores that frowned upon guys simply approaching women with whom they were unacquainted. Hence, escort cards. If the woman was piqued enough to want to read it, she might hide it inside her glove or fan. The cards cost about a penny each, so young men – especially those who cast their net as wide as possible – tried to recycle. Some asked that the cards be returned if the woman was not interested.

Wildly Bizarre Decisions that Shaped Early America
A reusable escort card. Imgur

If she was interested, the era had a romance code between the sexes, to surreptitiously communicate without alerting a young woman’s chaperone. Different winks, based on their number, which eye was used, and the kind of eye motion, could mean different things, from compliments, to warnings, to declarations of love or hatred. It seems pretty tame by modern standards, but in America back then, parents were greatly alarmed about such secret communications. They feared, often with reason, that the wrong kind of man with the wrong kind of intentions could lead an innocent young woman astray.
